jozie Furchgott Sourdiffe
Jozie was commissioned by the non-profit Friends For A_Dog to create a mural for the
Andy A_Dog Williams Skatepark in Burlington, Vermont. This state of the art skatepark was named in
honor of Andy Williams a.k.a.DJ A_Dog who was a vibrant force within the Burlington community and beyond.
Andy was the epitome of generosity, positivity and curiosity. His passion and innovativeness in music, skateboarding,
and art earned him recognition as a musical talent and cultural icon. In December of 2012, Andy was diagnosed with Acute
Myeloid Leukemia and transitioned on December 26, 2013 from complications after undergoing a stem cell transplant. This
mural, painted on an 8′ x 4′ board is a permanent installation in the skatepark, is a visual memorial to Andy as well as a
representation of the beautiful Burlington community that gave support throughout his illness. led by Jill Badolato's direction generously sponsored the mural painted with Holbein acrylic paint donated by Vermont Art Supply.